



Indonesia Ranks 95th on Global IQ List: What’s the Real Story?

July 28, 2024 Last Updated 2024-07-28T13:56:35Z
Indonesia Ranks 95th on Global IQ List: What’s the Real Story?

Written By: Hasan Bashri, SH (Sumenep)*

In recent years, national media have frequently released various global rankings, from the happiest countries to the wealthiest and the poorest. Recently, the International IQ Test published its rankings of IQ levels across 115 countries, placing Indonesia at 95th.

Personally, I’m not overly concerned about this result. However, the persistent publication of such rankings raises discomfort and concern. Questions start to emerge in my mind: Why do international ranking agencies frequently release such reports? Are they truly independent, or is there collaboration with local NGOs?

Ranking agencies often escape criticism. They publish research results without providing detailed explanations about their methods. Unfortunately, national media often publish these results without revealing crucial details. Information such as the agency's founders, location, funding sources, and research sample is vital for assessing the credibility of these results.

The problem becomes more complex if the government overlooks such releases. These rankings can affect the world’s perception of Indonesia, and despite efforts to improve education quality, such results can damage the country’s image.

These releases seem to undermine the hard work of thousands of educational institutions striving to enlighten the nation. How can thousands of scholars and alumni from pesantren across the archipelago be deemed insufficient? Not to mention the training institutions and NGOs operating from Sabang to Merauke.

With a critical analysis approach, my hypothesis is that these releases might be part of a particular agenda. So far, there has been no official release testing the ranking methodology used by the agency.

I believe that every piece of information comes with some bias. Nevertheless, I am confident that many Indonesians remain dedicated to learning and making serious contributions to education. Let’s not underestimate their capabilities and enthusiasm.

Lenteng, July 26, 2024

Hasan Bashrsi, SH is the Head of the trial and legislation section at the DPRD Secretariat of Sumenep Regency

Tags: smartest countries in the world,most smartest country in the world,most intelligent country in the world,smartest country,world data,compare length,most intelligent,smartest country comparison,compare,iq level,comparison,size comparison,iq level comparison
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