


bupati sumenep


Tackling Plastic Waste: KLHK Emphasizes the Importance of Mindset and Information

July 27, 2024 Last Updated 2024-07-27T00:53:34Z
Tackling Plastic Waste: KLHK Emphasizes the Importance of Mindset and Information

Langgam Pos - The plastic waste crisis continues to escalate, with Indonesia ranked as the second-largest contributor of plastic waste globally, generating hundreds of millions of tons annually. This alarming statistic is highlighted in the research published by the Jambeck team in the journal Plastic Waste Inputs From Land Into The Ocean. Despite ongoing efforts over the years, the issue of waste management remains unresolved.

Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, the Director General of Waste, Hazardous Waste, and Toxic Material Management at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry KLHK, acknowledges the growing concern over plastic waste, including plastic straws.

To address this challenge, she stresses the need for collective action and heightened awareness. According to Rosa, a fundamental step involves changing the public’s mindset.

"The most basic issue is mindset and information. If the public's mindset is still limited to collecting, transporting, and disposing of waste, the problem persists. However, if the focus shifts to how we can significantly reduce the waste we generate individually, the impact will be substantial," she explained during the Greentalks special segment on detikPagi, which covered 'Environmental and Forestry Standards Implementation and Waste Management and Circular Economy' on Saturday, July 27, 2024.

Rosa emphasizes the importance of understanding effective waste management. Given that every activity generates waste, a better understanding helps people minimize the amount of waste they produce.

"For example, environmentally conscious hikers avoid bringing items that will become plastic waste. Instead, they bring fresh vegetables, avoid tissues, and use towels. They bring food that won’t end up as waste and cook there. This is all about mindset," she noted.

Addressing the plastic waste issue is undoubtedly complex. To gain further insights into waste management and other environmental and forestry issues, don’t miss the LIKE Festival presented by KLHK and detikcom. Mark your calendar for the event, which will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center from August 8-11, 2024.


Tags:  plastic waste,plastic,plastic pollution,plastics,waste,plastic waste in the sea,plastic recycling,reduce plastic waste,plastic waste pollution,plasic waste,ocean plastic,plastic pollution in the ocean,plastic zerowaste,recycling plastic,plastic in water,alternative to plastic packaging,plastics marine litter,plastic affecting sea life,recycling plastic bottles,tiny plastic in water,single use plastics,plastic in ocean
