


bupati sumenep


bupati sumenep

Warning Signs of Kidney Problems in Children: What Parents Need to Know

July 25, 2024 Last Updated 2024-07-25T14:15:21Z
Warning Signs of Kidney Problems in Children: What Parents Need to Know

Langgam Pos - Kidney disease isn't just an adult issue; children can suffer from it too. The causes of kidney disease in children often differ from those in adults, with congenital abnormalities in kidney shape and function being the most common. Additionally, lifestyle factors also contribute to the risk of kidney disease in children.

"Indeed, lifestyle impacts kidney function indirectly through obesity. Obesity can increase the risk of declining kidney function," said Dr. Eka Laksmi Hidayati, a pediatric nephrology consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), during a podcast at RSCM Kencana on Thursday (July 25, 2024).

Recognizing Kidney Problems in Children

Dr. Eka explained that a child's urine can indicate kidney issues. "If the urine is cloudy, changes color, or if the amount decreases, these are signs of kidney problems," she said.

"If the urine turns brown or reddish, it definitely indicates an abnormality," she added.

Therefore, she urged parents to take their children to a doctor for further examination if they notice these symptoms.


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